• GilaMonster (10/16/2008)

    Sure. This is the classic example


    @SomeCode VARCHAR(30) = NULL



    IF @ID is null

    SELECT * FROM SomeTable


    SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeColumn = @SomeCode

    If on the first execute, the parameter is null, then SQL will optimise both branches of the proc as if they would be run with the parameter of NULL. The second select (which won't actually be run with a parameter value of NULL) gets optimised as well and when the optimiser estimates rows affected, it will estimate 0 (Because no rows will ever match = NULL)

    Now, let's say the optimal exec plan for a very few rows is an index seek with a bookmark lookup. That's what gets cached for the second query

    Later, someone runs that with a value for @SomeCode that will return 1/4 of the table. Because the plan is cached, it will be reused, even though it's not an optimal plan for 1/4 of the table

    Now this is a simplistic example, but the general principle is the same for more complex procs.

    OK. So in the case above would it be better do something like this?



    @SomeCode VARCHAR(30) = NULL



    SELECT *

    FROM SomeTable

    WHERE ((@SomeCode IS NULL) OR (SomeColumn = @SomeCode))