• Hi kishore, one more clarification, pls tell me

    alter proc dateformatproc as

    Declare @FileName varchar(255)

    select @FileName = 'c:\Northwind Backup Plan4_' +

    replace (replace (left (replace (replace (convert (varchar, getdate(), 120), '', ''), ':', ''), 15), '-', ''), ' ', '') + '.txt'

    --select @FileName

    the above script i had create procedure, This procedure return values like c:\Northwind Backup Plan4_200810151415.txt,

    so how to call that procedure at place @messagefile location below

    declare @rc int

    exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail

    @FROM= N'WJMN0130136',

    @FROM_NAME= N'JG-IDC-SQL Server',

    @TO= N'ananda.murugesan@zmail.ril.com',

    @replyto = N'',

    @cc= N'',

    @BCC= N'',

    @priority= N'NORMAL',

    @subject= N'Hello IDC SQL Server Mail @ jamnager',

    @message= N'Goodbye have a nice day, this is for test mail from MSSQL',

    @messagefile= N'',

    @type= N'text/plain',

    @attachment= N'',

    @attachments= N'',

    @codepage= 0,

    @server = N''

    select RC = @rc
