• how about this:

    Declare @mybigint bigint

    set @mybigint =

    convert(bigint,replace(replace(replace(replace(convert(char(23), getdate(), 121),'-',''),':',''),'.',''),' ',''))

    print @mybigint

    declare @mychar char(23)

    Select @mychar = convert(char(23), @mybigint)

    Select @mychar = substring(@mychar,1,4) + '-' + substring(@mychar,5,2) + '-' + substring(@mychar,7,2) + ' '

    + substring(@mychar,9,2) + ':' + substring(@mychar,11,2) + ':' + substring(@mychar,13,2)

    + '.'+ substring(@mychar,15,3)

    declare @mydatetime datetime

    set @mydatetime = convert(datetime,@mychar,121)

    print convert(char(23),@mydatetime,121)

    Check out "convert" in bol


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