• I continue without understand what you need exactly.

    Anyway, to obtain the number of miliseconds from a datetime value, you can use something like this:

    declare @Date DATETIME

    SET @Date = convert(datetime, '2009-09-01 09:30:15.927')

    SELECT convert(BIGINT, @Date)* 86400000

    SELECT DATEPART(hh, @Date) * 3600000

    SELECT DATEPART(mi, @Date) * 60000

    SELECT DATEPART(ss, @Date) * 1000

    SELECT DATEPART(ms, @Date)

    SELECT (convert(BIGINT, @Date)* 86400000 ) + (DATEPART(hh, @Date) * 3600000) + (DATEPART(mi, @Date) * 60000) + (DATEPART(ss, @Date) * 1000) + DATEPART(ms, @Date)

    And, the final result is:

    Datetime: 2009-09-01 09:30:15.925

    Number of milisenconds: 3460786215927

    I hope this can help you.