• Ok, please let me explain if you can help me a bit more...

    The owner of the job (Job Properties in management studio when you open the package) is interfranchise\dfal (my self). I am (interfranchise\dfal) also the creator of the package (in package properties). Ok, now you say that you are assuming (and you are probably right) that the Agent Account is running under the INTERFRANCHISE\PC-SRV-MIS$ login. On my management studio under the security--> logins i see this user you say and also I see the user PC-SRV-MIS\SQLServer2005SQLAgentUser$PC-SRV-MIS$ECDL_MIS.

    Firstly, how can i find out if the user you say is the one that executes the job (apart from seeing it on the log). When i go to his properties all i see is that he is public and sysadmin. The same stand for the second user i mentioned. Secondly, these are not domain account name users, right? so how can i recreate them on the ERP_HR Server, in order to give them access to the Transit DB?

    I am saying this because when i go to security logins of the ERP server to add him inorder to add him afterwards to the transit db the server says can not find the user. So how can i add him to the ERP_HR server in order to do what you say? (that is to give him access to the transit db, on ERP_HR server?)

    Please any respond i would appreciate very much.. i am kind of lost...

    "If you want to get to the top, prepare to kiss alot of bottom"