• you can convert the timestamp to binary and then convert the binary to varchar

    however my code below involves an undocumented function... not sure if there is a better way to do this

    it's important to realize that the timestamp column will keep changing every time the table gets modified but the converted value will retain whatever value it had at the time of the conversion

    use tempdb

    create table test (

    ID int identity(1, 1) primary key

    , sometext varchar(30) NOT NULL

    , ts timestamp NOT NULL

    , ts_converted_to_bin binary(8)

    , bin_converted_to_varchar nvarchar(100)


    insert into test (sometext)

    select name

    from sysobjects

    update test set ts_converted_to_bin = convert(binary(8), ts)

    update test set bin_converted_to_varchar = master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(ts_converted_to_bin)

    select * from test

    drop table test