• Ahhhh after running this successfully for a month from 14/08/2008 I discovered a blip when the day changes from 9 th to the 10th (Discovered this on the 9/11/2008 which spooked me a bit ) The DateCheck function can not handle the extra digit on the expiration num and deletes the new files rather than the old files. However this is inconsistant as the results from my log file show:


    YToday num =2008

    MToday num =9

    DToday num 15

    YExpiration num = 2008

    MExpiration num = 9

    DExpiration num =14

    lastmodified num = 200899

    Expiration Num =2008914

    DateCheck new

    YToday num = 2008

    MToday num = 9

    DToday num =15

    YExpiration num =2008

    MExpiration num = 9

    DExpiration num =14

    lastmodified num =200888

    Expiration Num = 2008914

    database deleted = mydatabase_db_200808081830.bak,8/8/2008 6:30:02 PM


    LastmodifiedNum < ExpirationNum

    Why Then is 200888 < 2008914 correct but 200899 < 2008914 is not correct ?

    I have amended the function to use DateDiff this is working well so far.

    Function DateCheck(Lastmodified)

    DiffADate = DateDiff("d", Lastmodified,Date )

    LogFile.Writeline "Date difference = " & " " & DiffADate

    If DiffADate > Days then


    LogFile.Writeline "DateCheck " & "" & DateCheck



    LogFile.Writeline "DateCheck " & "" & DateCheck

    end if

    end Function

    Will keep you posted of my progress.

