• Lynn Pettis (9/11/2008)

    We never eliminate abiguity, just minimize it. As for the QotD, yes, they are a learning tool, but really will it matter tomorrow if you got the answer today right or wrong? What really matters is that you learned something from the question, and sometimes from the ensuing discussion.

    Yep I agree about assumptions, I do make them when I have to, but have an "accept no responsibility" disclaimer attached cos I was fed up being blamed for having to make them from other peoples shortcomings and then getting the sharp end when people changed their minds as of course it was my fault for assuming things that others wouldn't tell me; but anyway that's another topic for another time and another place and I only mentioned it cos I wanted to explain where my distaste of assumptions comes from.

    And I agree totally about learning something new. It's the reason i'm a member of sites like this as I'm still trying to work my way up. 🙂

    My issue was that I really wanted the ambiguity acknowledged. As you say the points don't matter at all. I'm never going to be right all the time (or even most of it :D), it's just I felt the ambiguity and the possibility that the answer was not completely clear cut was being dismissed.

    Sorry if I've caused any offense.