• Hi,

    You have not specified which SQL Server you are using... Anyways the method is same...

    Hope you can go till create new linked server...

    Now in the provider name select Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Provider (OLEDB is faster then ODBC AFAIK)

    Specify a linked server name you wish

    Datasource will the Path to mdb file Ex: "c:\test.mdb"

    Product Name will be "Access"

    Else you can try below T-SQL too

    exec sp_addlinkedserver @server='Access',




    exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='Access',




    Regarding login use Username Admin and NULL as password when you trying in GUI.

    Now to get the remote table run below T-SQl

    sp_tableex N'Access'

    For more explanation on T-SQL and Linked Servers, Refer to BOL...

    My Blog -> http://www.sqlserverdba.co.cc