• Jeff Moden (1/2/2008)

    The real point here is that you should not be using any form of RBAR in a trigger... no matter how you do it, calling a RBAR proc from a trigger is an insane thing to do... the proc should be rewritten to handle sets of data instead of the slothful agony of single row processing. 😉

    Jumping in here way late, but there is no doubt that RBAR processing whether a cursor or while loop in a trigger is a very bad idea. You are better off staging the data and processing it in a separate process whether that's Service Broker or another option.

    Something I do not recall seeing mentioned is that you can do a Select Into temp_table from inserted\deleted then access that temp table in a stored procedure called from the trigger where you can do some set-based processing, of course that's only necessary if you want to encapsulate the code so you can re-use it because you can process it the same way in the trigger.