Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Performance Tuning OPENROWSET select statement performance -- runs in 4 seconds on test server vs. 3 minutes on production server. RE: OPENROWSET select statement performance -- runs in 4 seconds on test server vs. 3 minutes on production server.

  • there's additional logic throughout sp, for example @openrowset is assigned to point to prod vs. test Oracle server depending on whether sp runs on SQL Server prod server vs. test server; I didn't include that since didn't think that was relevant to this post...I'm concentrating on why select takes so much longer to run against prod Oracle view when run from SQL Server prod server vs. SQL Server test server....is it memory pressure related? is it tempdb activity related? etc...

    I can certainly try without dynamic sql, just not sure that's the issue...

    thanks for your feedback... rg