Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Development Multiple references to same foreign table/column RE: Multiple references to same foreign table/column

  • Correctly normalizing this, your "little" table should reference the Entity the address goes with and the Address and Address Type. With this model, you would not need multiple Address references in your entity table. It would all be referenced through the small many-to-many table allowing an infinite number of addresses per entity without adding any fields.

    Now, although that it good practice for normalizing your database, in many cases it is overkill, so your design of multiple address id's in an entity table is not necessarily bad and can often lead to better performance. It just sacrifices the ability to add a new address type for a given entity without modifying the schema. Sometimes this is ok and you need to make the choice based on your business needs.

    One other comment I have. I am a big fan of useful table and column names. You may want to consider turning off your caps lock, not using underscores, and giving column and table names that have meaning.