• Try this version using a Tally table. No loops, no cursors.

    IF OBJECT_ID ( 'tempdb..#Tally' ) IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #Tally



    DECLARE @AlphaNumber varchar ( 20 )

    DEcLARE @numtoadd decimal ( 20, 4 )

    DECLARE @NumPart decimal ( 20, 4 )

    DECLARE @Result varchar ( 20 )

    DECLARE @strlen int

    DECLARE @numpos int

    SET @AlphaNumber = 'ABC12345.6789'

    SET @numtoadd = 0.3211

    SET @strlen = DATALENGTH ( @AlphaNumber )

    SELECT TOP ( @strlen )

    IDENTITY ( int, 1, 1 ) AS N

    INTO #Tally

    FROM master.dbo.syscolumns

    ALTER TABLE #Tally

    ADD C char ( 1 )

    UPDATE #Tally SET C = SUBSTRING ( @AlphaNumber, N, 1 )

    --SELECT * FROM #Tally

    SELECT @numpos = MIN ( N ) FROM #Tally WHERE C BETWEEN '0' AND '9' OR C = '.'

    --PRINT @numpos

    SET @NumPart = CAST ( SUBSTRING ( @AlphaNumber, @numpos, @strlen ) AS decimal ( 20, 4 ) )

    --PRINT @NumPart

    SET @NumPart = @NumPart + @numtoadd

    SET @Result = LEFT ( @AlphaNumber, @numpos - 1 ) + LTRIM ( STR ( @NumPart, @strlen, 4 ) )

    PRINT @AlphaNumber + ' + ' + LTRIM ( STR ( @numtoadd, 10, 4 ) ) + ' = ' + @Result

    DROP TABLE #Tally

    I know, it breaks if there is no numeric part or there is more than one decimal point 🙂



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