• Mark D Powell (8/21/2008)

    But Booksonline also contains this quote "Log files do not contain pages; they contain a series of log records."

    Blame MS not the author or question as I found the same section you did but I also found this

    Hi Mark, I am not blaming the author, just wanted to note that the log also stores the boot page.

    Just for additional confusion, check this info from BOL:

    The format of log records and pages is not constrained to follow the format of data pages.


    I "think" that the info from your quote is incorrect (but of course correctly quoted from BOL).

    It might be possible that the log contains both, pages for the header information, and log records for the log data. Or maybe the log reords are actually stored in pages as well.

    But MS only knows 😉

    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner