• Great article, this may solve the problem I had with this code that would have been considerably faster than Coalesce.

    -- create list to pivot hist data

    SELECT @DistList =

    COALESCE(@DistList + ',[', '[') +

    CAST(Dist AS VarCHAR(85)) + ']'

    FROM (

    SELECT top 1000 Disty

    FROM @t1

    Order by Disty

    ) t(Dist)

    -- try for XML to speed up the coalesce -- may bug on Shangai P&S

    --Select @DistList = (

    --SELECT Disty + ', ' As [text()]

    --FROM @t1

    --ORDER BY Disty

    --FOR XML PATH('')


    --Set @DistList = LEFT(@DistList, Len (@DistList) -1)

    BI Guy