Home Forums SQL Server 2005 SQL Server Newbies How to Refer to A Computed Column in Access-SQL Database Query RE: How to Refer to A Computed Column in Access-SQL Database Query

  • pete.trudell (8/19/2008)

    Sorry, nine year of Access, 3 mos. of SQL.

    Here's my most recent attempt to create a computer column from several computed columns.

    EMonth = DATEPART(m,dbo.employee.LGD)


    These work fine, then I attempt to create a column with the following:

    PPR Due Date = EMonth& ' / '&EDay

    The structure is changed to 'EMonth& ' / '&EDay' , and thats what ends up in my column, not calculations.

    If I create a column of data :

    Lunch Time = DateDiff(s,[End Lunch],[Start Lunch]) it's okay, but then every time I attempt to use the new column [Lunch Time] i get an error - [Lunch Time] in expression is not part of the query.

    Thanks for any direction.

    It would be very helpful if you would read the articles that Jack links to in his signature. Having those would make it a lot easier to provide you with a working example.

    With that said - you can use one of the following constructs:

    -- Example using CTE

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MyProcedure AS

    ;WITH myComputed (col1, EMonth, EDay, LunchTime)

    AS (SELECT col1

    ,DATEPART(m,dbo.employee.LGD) AS EMonth

    ,DATEPART(d,dbo.employee.LGD) AS EDay

    ,DATEDIFF(s,[End Lunch],[Start Lunch]) AS LunchTime

    FROM MyTable)

    SELECT col1

    ,EMonth + '/' + EDay AS PPRDueDate


    FROM myComputed;


    -- Example using derived table

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MyProcedure AS

    SELECT col1

    ,EMonth + '/' + EDay AS PPRDueDate


    FROM (SELECT col1

    ,DATEPART(m,dbo.employee.LGD) AS EMonth

    ,DATEPART(d,dbo.employee.LGD) AS EDay

    ,DATEDIFF(s,[End Lunch],[Start Lunch]) AS LunchTime

    FROM MyTable) AS t;


    I prefer using the CTE myself.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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