Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering SQL Server Cluster : which groups should hold the Physical disk ? RE: SQL Server Cluster : which groups should hold the Physical disk ?

  • Yes, I have added the Q drive - Quorum to the Cluster group.

    However, other than Q drive, I only has the R drive in SAN.

    When I setup the "MSDTC Group", Microsoft said we have to add a Physical Disk to it, thus, I had to add my R drive to this group.

    Thus, when I setup the "SQL Cluster" Group, I will have no more physical disk.

    What can I do ?

    1. Can I give up the "SQL Cluster" group and install SQL Server Cluster into the "MSDTC Group" ?

    2. Or ignore this fact, just go ahead to install SQL Server Cluster, but I am not sure whether the SQL installation will succeed eventually.

    Can you give me any suggestions ? Thanks a lot.