• physic77 (8/15/2008)

    Chalk up one more for the martial arts geeks, I did about 5 years of Ju Jitsu and about 3 years of TKD a number of years back, and even though I gave them up years ago I think what I learnt there still helps to improve me as a person today.

    Our office has an unofficial sports night one day a week as well, where a number of us knock off early and play tennis or badminton depending on the weather - there's nothing like slamming an ace past the colleague who criticised your work earlier that day 😉

    Likewise, TKD benefits my life on a daily basis. I find it interesting how many of us note how influential martial arts has been on our lives.

    A good portion of my department at work plays basketball together on Mondays and Tuesdays each week. It's great stress relief and bonding.

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