• All of that reading must have sunk in for you. Everything you have said makes perfect sense. Destroying something is definitely a stress outlet but i wouldn't call it a reliever. It makes you feel better but then if you return to the stress in lieu of learning to better deal with the stress where does that put you.

    One of the things I am constantly working with (in the words of Grant above) She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (I like that!) is the whole concept of world importance and 'What will happen if you don't get that done?' We often place great importance on tiny incocequential details.

    I couldn't agree more... focus on the important things in life. Friends, Family, Children if you are so inclined, and helping others to make it through the world. I would think that if you need exertion to relieve stress you would find your stress level drop exponentially if you swung a hammer for Habitat for Humanity. Provide 'the dream' for others.

    Love the post blandry.