• If your installations are anything like the one's I've dealt with, the SQL Server is usually the -only- SQL Server, so not usually a good candidate for virtualization due to the high utilization and I/O requirements (sorry, .VHDs don't perform nearly as well as the straight physical disk/RAID). Although, I think keeping a Warm/Hot spare SQL Server instance (whether via replication/log shipping, or just restores from backups) would be an -excellent- use for a virtual server. Could you imagine the hero you'd be if your server failed and you switched over to the VM in a few minutes? (For those of us that aren't on expensive high-availability and clustered environments, that is.)

    Today was the very first time I -watched- the podcast, versus just reading the blog. L-O-V-E-D the bloopers! Will probably always watch the podcasts now if you keep that up! 😉 (Mainly because it looks like exactly the type of thing I would do!)