• I modified the script to do what I want and it is working well for me. This is for SQL 2000; you can get it to work with SQL 2005 with a minor tweak of the sys tables.


    CREATE TABLE [DBGrowthRate] (

    [DBGrowthID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

    [DBName] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

    [DBID] [int] NULL ,

    [OrigSize] [decimal](10, 2) NULL ,

    [CurSize] [decimal](10, 2) NULL ,

    [GrowthAmt] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

    [InitialDate] [datetime] NULL ,

    [ReportDate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ReportDate] DEFAULT (getdate())

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    --PART 2

    --Below is the code run weekly to check the growth.

    create Proc usp_DBGrowthRate


    Select sd.name as DBName, af.dbid, Sum(af.Size) as NumPages, Convert(decimal(10,2),(Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),af.Size)) * 8)/1024) as CurSize

    into #TempDBSize

    from master..sysdatabases sd

    join master..sysaltfiles af

    on sd.dbid = af.dbid

    Group by af.dbid, sd.name

    Order by sd.name, af.dbid

    If Exists (Select Distinct DBName from #TempDBSize where DBName in (Select Distinct DBName from DBGrowthRate))

    and Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) > (Select Distinct Convert(varchar(10),Max(InitialDate),101) as InitialDate from DBGrowthRate)


    update dgr

    set dgr.CurSize = tds.Cursize

    from DBGrowthRate dgr inner join #TempDBSize tds on tds.DBID = dgr.DBID

    update dgr

    set dgr.GrowthAmt = tds.CurSize - dgr.OrigSize

    from DBGrowthRate dgr inner join #TempDBSize tds on tds.DBID = dgr.DBID

    update DBGrowthRate

    set ReportDate = GetDate()



    IF Exists (Select Distinct DBName from #TempDBSize where DBName not in (Select Distinct DBName from DBGrowthRate))


    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID,OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, InitialDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.dbid,



    '0.00 MB', GetDate()

    from #TempDBSize tds

    where tds.dbid not in (Select Distinct DBID from DBGrowthRate dgr where dgr.DBID = tds.DBID)



    DROP TABLE #TempDBSize
