• thx for the article. I have a few basic sql slammer questions ...

    1) if you hit the link on sqlservercentral main page for sp3 "SQL Server 2000 Quick Info" you will get http://www.sqlservercentral.com/javen@dbassociates.com.au which produces an error page

    2) at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/2000/sp3.asp I find it kind of confusing as to what exactly is the sp3 download. if you click the link to direct to next page for download there are 3 files at the bottom

    "Below are links to the separate files available for this download."




    there is no description for these files. which one exactly should you download?

    3) if you go to the slammer link at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/virus/alerts/slammer.asp it offers you instructions for "recovery" for those already affected.

    step 1 is "Set the SQL Server Service to Manual." - can you humor a knucklehead and clarify this? Where can I find this and how do I change it to manual?

    4) What would be interesting would be a subjective description of the virus -

    is it a query, script file etc?

    Is there a way to examine your SQL Server to see if you are infected?

    What was the means of infection? It seems having a sql server without sp3 exposed to the internet might be enough.

    tia - Brian

    Brian Lockwood

    LockwoodTech Software


    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials


    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed