• I'm on lunch break so I will try to do a quick recap of what happened:



    6PM - 33 ideas pitched to a crowd of 80+ strong in a ~6,000 sq ft space, comprising entrepreneurs, business persons, writers, designers, and a surprisingly low percentage (40%?) of developers. Ideas included location based/mobile phone services to web applications for tuning enterprise databases to a Pandora for fictional writing.

    7PM - "Pitchers" and would-be team members begin to review ideas and gather to form teams.

    8PM - Teams loosely formed, introductions made, and ramp-up begins.

    11PM - End of exhausting, but amazing day. Out of 33 ideas, ~15 attract enough people to form teams; a few 1-2 people teams hang around.

    1AM - Go home from the local bar.



    9AM - Teams gather and planning/strategizing/coding starts. Some people switch teams. Some small teams disband and join others.

    4PM - Checkpoint; all teams present their statuses to all other teams. Lots of progress, very exciting goals.

    10PM - Most teams call wrap for the day and head out.



    9AM - Work continues, logos created, domains bought, infrustructure created, team roles solidified.

    4PM - Final presentations. Some of the ideas have great potential and some of those we may start to hear about in the future.


    My group went through a very similar sequence. We now have wonderful 8 person team consisting of a project manager from big auto, advisor from big banking, a PhD, an M.D., graduate students, and developers. Creation of our legal entity is in progress. We plan to launch v2.0 of our *hush hush* system on Sept 15.

    And at least one SQLServerCentral member (other than me) was in attendance!

    For more information on how it all went down: http://annarbor.startupweekend.com

    |Ted Pin >>