Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence There is a data source column with no name.Each data source column must have a name. RE: There is a data source column with no name.Each data source column must have a name.

  • The 'column has no name' error is caused by the statement 'select 1/0'. I suggest to use the RAISERROR statement for raising errors. I tested this using the following procedure:

    create procedure up_test



    if (datepart(hh, getdate()) not between 12 and 24)


    -- select 'Error - Running outside allowed time window'

    -- select 1/0

    -- return

    raiserror ('Error - Running outside allowed time window', 16, 0)


    select 'A' as A into #temp

    select A from #temp t

    drop table #temp


    Next problem you will face is that BIDS is not able to collect metadata of procedures returning data from temporary tables. If you call the procedure above with an OLE DB reader, the object will have no columns. Questions about this behaviour in SSRS projects comes up every now and then (for example, see the thread last week started by someone name 'scott'). In SSRS the workaround is to add the columns of the output of the stored procedure manually to a dataset. Unfortunately, in the above example I wasn't able to add the column using the Advanced Editor. If I hit the datatype property, the dialog disappears. Anybody know what the 'Add column' button is for?
