• My oldest IS going to college this fall. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. When she was born, I decided that I had to have a balance between work and spending time with my family, and I did as much as possible. Sometimes my boss wasn't happy (he's childless..) but he rarely prevented my time off or criticized my reasons for not working 80 hours a week. When I needed to be there, he knew I would be there. Management needs to understand the importance of balance as burnout can be right around the corner. Cranky people make lousy employees. Whether it's time with family or simply a little alone time, if we don't make the time, what good is all the money we are earning? Stress, heart attacks, whatever? What have we truly gained, material things? Give me a day to myself and my family anytime, it keeps me sane, well most of the time anyway! (teenagers, you've got to love them!). As Steve said "Stop, Smell, Smile" - to that I'd add "and Live".

    -- You can't be late until you show up.