• abinder (5/20/2008)


    That's one of the problems. I don't have a Payments(Credits)Applied table. I have only what I stated in my original posting a series of Debits and Credits and their respective dates. (There is, of course, more info but none that applies here.)


    All right then - we do it the "hard" way....:)

    This has a few moving parts, and is based on the assumption that your tracking your invoices as POSITIVE and your payments are NEGATIVE.

    [font="Courier New"]DROP TABLE #cctemp

    DROP TABLE #ccbal

    DROP TABLE #CCTEMP_original

    DROP TABLE #ddtemp

    --first some test data

    CREATE TABLE #CCTEMP_original(memberID INT, cashflow money, postdate DATETIME)

    INSERT #CCTEMP_original

       SELECT TOP 1000000

           CAST(RAND(checksum(NEWID()))*50+1 AS INT),

           CAST(RAND(checksum(NEWID()))*500-250 AS money),

           DATEADD(dd,36524+365,CAST(RAND(checksum(NEWID()))*2500 AS INT))

       FROM sys.all_columns sc1, sys.all_columns sc2


    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX uci_cctempO ON #CCTEMP_original(memberID,postdate)

    --start cleanup process

    DECLARE @g DATETIME --just to know how fast this is

    SET @g=GETDATE();

    --first - a helper table:

    SELECT memberID,

       SUM(CASE WHEN cashflow>0 THEN cashflow ELSE 0 END) AS debit,

       ABS(SUM(CASE WHEN cashflow>0 THEN 0 ELSE cashflow END)) AS credit,

       SUM(cashflow) AS bal

    INTO #ccbal

    FROM #CCTEMP_original

    GROUP BY memberID

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX uci_ccb ON #ccbal(memberID)

    --move in only those items that have more debits than credits

    --if you have a credit balance you don't belong on an aging report

    --we only care about the debits

    SELECT *, CAST(0 AS money) AS runbal

       INTO #cctemp

    FROM #CCTEMP_original

       WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM #ccbal WHERE #ccbal.memberid=#CCTEMP_original.memberID AND bal>0)

       AND cashflow>0


    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX uci_cct ON #cctemp(memberid, postdate)

    --create a running grouped total of the debits:

    DECLARE @prevMemberID INT

       SET @prevMemberID=-1;

    DECLARE @runbal money

       SET @runbal =0;

    DECLARE @dummy money

       SET @dummy=0;



    SET @runbal=runbal=CASE WHEN @prevmemberID=memberid THEN @runbal ELSE 0 END + cashflow,



    FROM #CCTEMP WITH (INDEX(uci_cct),tablockX)

    --get rid of all of the items where the running total is less than the total debits

    --those we be all of the debits that have been "paid off"

    DELETE #cctemp

    FROM #cctemp

           INNER JOIN #ccbal ON #cctemp.memberID=#ccbal.memberID

    WHERE runbal<credit

    --update the cashflow of the first row by group to account for any remaining credit

    ;WITH balCTE AS


           SELECT  #cctemp.memberid,

                   Row_Number() OVER (partition BY #cctemp.memberID ORDER BY #cctemp.memberID,runbal) RN,




           FROM #cctemp

                   INNER JOIN #ccbal ON #cctemp.memberiD=#ccbal.memberID)


       SET cashflow=runbal-credit

    WHERE RN=1

    --create the aging data

    SELECT MemberID, SUM(CashFlow) CashFlow, DATEDIFF(DAY,postDate + 1,GETDATE())/15*15 DaysAged

    INTO #ddtemp

    FROM #cctemp

    GROUP BY MemberID, DATEDIFF(DAY,postDate + 1,GETDATE())/15*15  ORDER BY MemberID

    --show me the magic

    SELECT * FROM #DDtemp

    ORDER BY memberID, daysaged DESC

    --how fast were we?


    --play these if you want validation we did it right

    --select sum(cashflow) from #CCTEMP_original

    --select sum(bal) from #CCbal

    --select sum(case when bal>0 then bal else 0 end) from #CCbal

    --select sum(cashflow) from #cctemp[/font]

    I'm thinking this should do the trick.

    considering how much we're doing - 4.4 seconds doesn't seem so bad on the million row test....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?