• Mr. Hall,

    whew, can we say anger management. If your intent was not to insult with your comments, you failed miserably. In fact, what is interesting is that your tirade was actually in agreement with the people you were yelling at. Your argument throughout was that case sensitivity provides clarity, or what I called style, which does not produce a syntax error. If that is not the case, then I think you need to rethink your argument. Capitalization in language does not changer meaning, which was Phil's and my point. It changes style or emphasis. Select means select whether it is spelled "SELECT" or "sElEcT".

    Take you argument about the bntOK object. I can see no circumstances where it would be advantageous to create objects okBTN, oKBtn, OkBTN, adnauseum. If anything is implies a degree of mean spiritedness and elitism and creates havoc with anyone trying to work on your code. So as I said before, using upper/lower case for clarity(style) is fine but the compiler should ignore it and not produce a syntax error.

    If you want to force standards, than all you need to work on are text editors that force the output to be styled correctly regardless of the case.

    I would also like to remind you that civility and respect are essential to purposeful discourse. As a scientist, I learned a long time ago, disagreement is fine, in fact, welcomed in debate. But intellectual honesty is what determines outcome, not how loud you shout or beat down your opponent.