• A simple test of the daftness of the idea that case sensitivity in computer languages is a good idea is to read out a C# program that uses case to distinguish private and public fields. It can't be done without inventing a way of distinguishing case in speech. Perhaps we should read out lower case letters in a high voice and capitals in a high voice. One could, I suppose shout out upper case but then reading out fortran code snippets would lead to sore throats. How then does one read out such Javascript functions as getElementById() to distinguish it from the completely different function getElementByID? The only way to do this would be to have a language sound, maybe by making a little click with your tongue as they do in parts of Africa, to denote a Shift (as with an old-fashioned typewriter).

    This issue has been going on for thirty years, and in all that time I've never heard a rational argument for making computer languages case-sensitive, yet I can see that, in a few years time, they will all be case-sensitive; even SQL.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor