• Hi,

    I have SQL Server Management Studio Express in my machine.I want to connect an excel sheet,located in local drive.I have made a database on SQL and write a query to connect the excel:

    SELECT *

    INTO [dbo].[BG_test_Temp]

    FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=F:\BG Format.xls;IMEX=1',

    'SELECT * FROM [BG Registrer$]')

    a new table is created on the newly created database,automatically creating the table structure and populating all the data from excel file.

    Now problem is,

    1. If i want to insert a new row to the excel file,or modify or update it the updated data doesnot reflect to the SQL table.I have to execute the above query again to view the updatation.

    Is there any procedure the SQL table will automatically updated whenever i insert data in the excel file?