• lklein (5/8/2008)

    ok - adding the code.Return... enable it to run - however with no results.

    Is this right for in my sp

    C=my parameter name


    Customer_Number=int value


    @C.nodes('/C/Customer') as m(item) on (CS.CUSTOMER_NUMBER) = m.item.value('Customer_Number[1]','integer')

    please... anyone... thank you!

    As you wrote the query, you should have a parameter in your stored procedure defined as @C XML.

    I don't see anything wrong with your query. If it still doesn't return anything, try adding this to your procedure. When you run the report, you'll see what you're sending it.


    declare @c1 varchar(max)

    set @c1 = convert(varchar(max), @C)

    RaisError (@c1, 16, 1)


    At this point, you can copy the XML string to SSMS and debug your proc from there.

    Also, you can run this to see if the XML string is processing correctly:


    select m.item.value('Customer_Number[1]', 'integer') CustomerNumber

    from @C.nodes('/C/Customer') AS m(item)


    Just to clarify:




    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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