• Steve raises an interesting point.


    People don't know what they want.

    But they sure as hell know what they don't! Normally they demonstrate this after you've spent blood, sweat and tears delivering it!

    One of the problems is the customer who thinks they are getting one thing, but actually asked (and signed the functional requirements spec) for something completely different.

    I have an ancient uncle whose observations where that IT within a company goes through three itterations.

    • Know one knows what they want or what is possible so the project is a disappointment
    • Everyone thinks they know what went wrong last time or now has a pretty good idea of what IT can do so they ask for everything. The project overruns and is a disappointment.
    • Everyone is sadder and wiser and finally there is a meeting of minds within the vacumn of corporate thought.

    OK there are variations on this but as a sweeping generalisation he is spot on.