• You can use the below script to do the same. I've excluded system db's since the same can't be removed.

    set nocount on

    declare @dbname as varchar(80)

    declare @server_name as varchar(20)

    select @server_name = @@servername

    declare rs_cursor CURSOR for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('model','master','msdb','tempdb','alert_db','mssecurity')

    open rs_cursor

    Fetch next from rs_cursor into @dbname

    IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0

    PRINT 'No database to backup...Please check your script!!!'



    print 'sp_detach_db ' + @dbname

    print 'go'

    print 'print ''Detach of ' + upper(@dbname) + ' database successfully completed'''

    print 'go'

    PRINT ' '

    FETCH NEXT FROM rs_cursor INTO @dbname


    CLOSE rs_cursor

    deallocate rs_cursor

    print ' '

    print 'print ''SERVER NAME : ' + upper(@server_name) + '--> All databases successfully detached'''

    Copy the above script and execute it, you will get the output as detach script . Copy the output and execut it. All the user db's will be detached!!!!

    If you face any problem let me know