• Peter Brinkhaus (4/27/2008)

    Add a group to your report and use the following expression to group on:

    =Floor((RowNumber(Nothing) - 1) / 10)

    Also set the 'Page break at and' property for the group.


    Thank you, Peter! After more research we'd come to a similar conclusion using

    =Ceiling((RowNumber(Nothing)) / 10)

    It is quite reassuring to know we are going along the same path. We've only been using SSRS in this shop for a bit more than a year, migrating from Crystal, and these forums have saved us from frustration many times in the year.

    As an aside I should mention that I love this site and these forums. I've been reading here for several years, but this was the first time I ever had to post a question, and the speed of the responses is incredible. You guys are a godsend and your input is priceless.
