• I spotted an error in the last line of the SQL query listed in the article: the string should also be tagged with '<NoRecords></NoRecords>'.

    So the whole script should read as follows:

    declare @v_CurrentDate datetime

    set @v_CurrentDate = '2003-07-17'

    if exists (select 1

    from Sales.SalesOrderHeader

    where OrderDate = @v_CurrentDate)


    select top 10 oh.OrderDate,

    (select round(sum(TotalDue), 2)

    from Sales.SalesOrderHeader

    where OrderDate = @v_CurrentDate) as DayTotal,

    p.ProductID, p.Name,

    round(sum(oh.TotalDue), 2) as ProductSubtotal

    from Sales.SalesOrderHeader oh

    join Sales.SalesOrderDetail od

    on od.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID

    join Production.Product p

    on p.ProductID = od.ProductID

    where oh.OrderDate = @v_CurrentDate


    by oh.OrderDate, p.ProductID, p.Name


    by 5 desc, p.ProductID asc

    for xml auto, elements, type, root('Order')



    select cast('<NoRecords>No sales records available for this date.</NoRecords>' as xml)

    I'll correct this in the main article if possible.