• I'm using that method (creating a unique index) for already existing tables. I mean without changing the original table.

    If you able to change / redesign your table you can add a unique index on multiple fields. So inserting duplicate records gives a warning like 'Duplicate key was ignored', but no error.

    For example:

    CREATE TABLE phonebook (

    [phonenumber] [varchar] (30),

    [firstname] [varchar] (30),

    [lastname] [varchar] (30),

    [company] [varchar] (100)


    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Unique ON phonebook (firstname, lastname) WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY

    But do not forget that, ADO will take 'Duplicate key was ignored' warning as an error!

    So you should take care of this in your application.

    A VB6 example;

    Const cnstError_DuplicateKeyWasIgnored As Long = 3604


    On Error GoTo ADO_ERROR

    Call oCON.Execute(strAnInsertSql)

    On Error GoTo E 'Normal error handler



    If oCON.Errors(0).NativeError = cnstError_DuplicateKeyWasIgnored Then

    'Duplicate Key Was Ignored errors should be ignored

    Resume Next

    End If