• Hi Mike,

    I do use datasets for parameter lists for all my other reports for precisely the reasons you give. This one though is something of a meta-report acting as an overview from which more detailed reports can be drilled to. The fields I need for this list aren't easily derivable from any existing table.

    Until a couple of days ago I wouldn't have been able to create a table to store a parameter list like you suggest as the database I'm reporting on is part of a software package and their support people don't like us messing with their database. I've recently however talked our IT into letting me have a new database all of my own that I'm using for a rudimentary form of data-warehousing to improve performance on some reports so I could now do what you suggest. I'm unlikely though to be re-using or modifying this particular list so unless there are other benefits it seems to make more sense to keep it internal to the report it applies to.

    Thanks for your feedback,
