• You can use separate INI files that follow with the DTS package, or you can utilize global variables that are fed by the dtsrun command using the /A switch, or a combination of both. The simplest way we found is to feed the location of the INI file to the package using the /A switch, and then reprogram the Dynamic Properties objects to pick their values from there. Also, here is a more efficient snippet that handles multiple Dynamic Properties objects:

    ' Loop through package tasks, looking for dynamic

    ' properties task(s). If the task assignment uses an

    ' INI file, change the INI file specified to the value


    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

    dim objPackage

    dim objTask

    dim objDynTask

    dim objAssignment

    set objPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    for each objTask in objPackage.Tasks

    if objTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSDynamicPropertiesTask" then

    set objDynTask = objTask.CustomTask

    for each objAssignment in objDynTask.Assignments

    if objAssignment.SourceType = 0 then 'Zero is INI file type

    objAssignment.SourceIniFileFilename = DTSGlobalVariables("gvINIpath").Value

    end if


    end if


    set objPackage = Nothing

    set objTask = Nothing

    set objDynTask = Nothing

    set objAssignment = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Code is compliments of Chris Brannigan