• It was a simple fix... All I did was create a public property in the script component, add an if statement to test the record type, if it was "01" I set the property value to equal the id number that I needed from that row, and then pass that value back with the other columns.

    Dim strRow As String

    Dim strRowCaseID As String


    If (Row.RowContent.Length > 0) Then

    strRow = Row.RowContent.ToString()

    If (strRow.Length > 0) Then

    Row.RecType = strRow.Substring(0, 2)

    Row.RowData = Row.RowContent.ToString()

    If (strRow.Substring(0, 2) = "01") Then

    _rowCaseNumber = strRow.Substring(17, 4) + strRow.Substring(21, 3).TrimEnd() + strRow.Substring(24, 6)

    End If

    Row.RowCaseID = _rowCaseNumber.ToString()

    End If

    End If

    Catch ex As Exception


    End Try