• $sanjayattray (3/18/2008)

    Use master

    declare @DBName varchar(35),

    @STR varchar (255)

    declare DBRecoveryModelGenerator_cursor cursor for

    select name from sysdatabases

    where category in ('0', '1','16')

    order by name

    open DBRecoveryModelGenerator_cursor

    fetch next from DBRecoveryModelGenerator_cursor into @DBName while (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    if (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    select @STR = 'SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX ('''+ @DBName + ''', ''Recovery'')' + @DBName

    exec (@str)

    end fetch next from DBRecoveryModelGenerator_cursor into @DBName end

    close DBRecoveryModelGenerator_cursor

    DEALLOCATE DBRecoveryModelGenerator_cursor


    Hi Sanjay,

    Thanks for replying. It seems to me that you are looping through the list of databases and printing the recovery model of each database.

    I would normally stay away from cursor and just use the following query. I don't mean to be bashing your method, just a suggestion.

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT [name] AS [DatabaseName], CONVERT(SYSNAME, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N''+ [name] + '', 'Recovery')) AS [RecoveryModel] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases ORDER BY name[/font]

    Kindest Regards,
