• About the same as Gsquared - either should work, I think

    select cityname as City, groupname as [Groupname],

    isnull(subqty.qty, 0) as Qty

    from (select groupid, group.name groupname, city.name Cityname, cityid

    from dbo.Group CROSS JOIN city) cartesianX

    left outer join

    (select cityid, groupid, count(*) as Qty

    from dbo.User

    where joindate >= @startdate

    and joindate < @enddate

    group by cityid, groupid) SubQty

    on cartesianX.cityid = subqty.cityid

    and cartesianX.groupid = subqty.groupid

    order by cityname, groupname

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?