• without disagreeing with any of the above, I got bit by having a "list of holidays" table yesterday.

    We have a table, unimaginatively called ms_holiday.

    The structure is similar to

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MS_Holiday] (

    [Holiday_Depot_No] [varchar] (7) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NOT NULL ,

    [Holiday_Dt] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

    [Holiday_Desc] [varchar] (40) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NOT NULL


    (I snipped out the created_by, created_date, constraints etc.).

    This stores holidays for each depot in our organization, so we could store Western Easter dates at out London depots, and Orthodox Easter dates at our Greek(?) Depots . 😉

    But it breaks down when we add new depots and forget to populate the table with the new depots and their corresponding dates! [Yes, it was me, guilty as charged... :blush:]

    Therefore working things out on the fly for the times that these functions are called sounds a better bet for me.

    Mind you, I could always go and beat up the developers of the app until they write a complete add new depot screen. (There are so many hacks I weep, regularly :()

    Dave J

    Edited: Took out a typo or two. How come you never spot them in the preview, only after post?

    "I don't know what I don't know."