• tymberwyld (2/10/2008)

    Grant Fritchey (2/7/2008)

    Nope. The one issue that we've had, and believe me the developers have howled, is that they can not simply add procedures (or drop them either). They have to let the dba team know that new procedures exist. We can pick them up from source control and add them. It actually works out, for us, because it provides us with a pretty easy mechanism to identify the procedures that need a review.

    So are you saying that developers still need to go into the Database and create new procedures and then let you know they're there? Or are you saying they add them to the Project and then you "Get Latest Version" and the scripts are there?

    It depends. Either the developers have their own VSTS licence and can add stuff to the project themselves. Or, they write their code in some dev database somewhere and then someone with a VSTS licence uses Schema Compare to get the new/changed code into the project.
