• I am doing the same thing where I restore from a backup. After I do the restore and create the subscription everything is fine. Except that there have been changes made to the publisher database that don't seem to get to the subscriber that were done while setting up the subscriber. I manually inserted 3 rows to test this process and make sure that changes made after the backup and before the subscriber was built would get the new rows. In the replication monitor it showed 3 transactions with 3 commands but the data never made it to the subscriber. The steps I did was create the Publisher with initialize from backup set to true. I turned off the distribution cleanup job on the publisher server. Then I did a backup of the database, moved the file to the new server and did the restore. Then I created the subscription on the publisher server using sp_addsubscription on the publisher server using init from backup and the device and backup name. Then I went to the subscriber server and created the subscription. The rows never made it to the subscriber. Any transactions after that come across but not the 3 new rows. This publisher is a live database and I want to do the backup, do the restore and have replication pick up any changes in the time it takes to do the restore and get the subscriber built.