• I have to agree with the naysayers unfortunately. It's great at the moment and really does seem to work (I haven't seen it fail yet either). I was always suspicious and slightly annoyed when people used the select top 100 percent with an order by in a view - dirty hack in my opinion. This could go the same way. Having said that, perhaps we could get someone from the MS Query Engine team to elaborate on

    * The update syntax of @variable = col = newValue

    * What happens if you have multiple of these in the same update. eg

    @variable = col = col + @variable

    col2 = col + @variable

    Does col2 effectively get col + col + @variable or just col + @variable?

    * Forced ordering.

    I'm going to run some quick tests on my sql 2k5 installation to see if there are any quirks (I'd be very surprised if I found something that was overlooked by the likes of Jeff though 😛 )