• I think Andy has a point there. On multiprocessor machine SQL Server might use more threads to scan the index and then merge the result sets in one data stream before executing the update, and this could mess up things. I'd add a maxdop 1 option just to be sure. Even with one thread, I'm not sure that SQL Server would start scanning from the beginning of the index if some data pages are already in memory (perhaps because someone has just finished a full scan of the clustered index). We should use an order by to be sure, but it's not allowed on updates. Here's a trick I use in situations like this: I put a 'greater than' condition on the clustered index column(s) (it works on single column keys, it should work on multicolumn key if we use the first column of the index), where the comparison value is less than any value of the index column (say min(IndexColumnName)-1). This forces the engine to traverse the index looking for the first record matching the condition to start the scan from there. You could also avoid the index hint, unless that column also belongs to other indexes.

    Interesting, these are the execution plans without and with the ordering condition AccountID>0:

    UPDATE dbo.JBMTest

    SET @PrevRunBal = RunBal = @PrevRunBal + Amount,

    @PrevAcctID = AccountID



    StmtText -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    |--Clustered Index Update(OBJECT: ([Northwind].[dbo].[JBMTest].[IX_JBMTest_AccountID_Date]), SET: ([@PrevAcctID]=[Expr1005], [JBMTest].[RunBal]=[Expr1004]))

    |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE: ([Expr1004]=[@PrevRunBal]=[@PrevRunBal]+[JBMTest].[Amount], [Expr1005]=[@PrevAcctID]=[JBMTest].[AccountID]))

    |--Top(ROWCOUNT est 0)

    |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT: ([Northwind].[dbo].[JBMTest].[IX_JBMTest_AccountID_Date]))

    UPDATE dbo.JBMTest

    SET @PrevRunBal = RunBal = @PrevRunBal + Amount,

    @PrevAcctID = AccountID


    WHERE AccountID>0


    StmtText --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    |--Clustered Index Update(OBJECT: ([Northwind].[dbo].[JBMTest].[IX_JBMTest_AccountID_Date]), SET: ([@PrevAcctID]=[Expr1005], [JBMTest].[RunBal]=[Expr1004]), DEFINE: ([Expr1004]=[@PrevRunBal]=[@PrevRunBal]+[JBMTest].[Amount], [Expr1005]=[@PrevAcctID]=[JBMTest].[AccountID]), WHERE: ([JBMTest].[AccountID] > 0))

    Quite different, but with the same results in terms of I/O statistics:

    Table 'JBMTest'. Scan count 1, logical reads 10186, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 50.

    Ok, time to go back to work.

