• hey yea it does work when i exec it, thanks,

    im getting a bit more greedy now and would like to export more tables, with possible a break between data from each table.

    excluding the break line of code, i've entered the following:

    Exec IMPEXPFROMDB 'Voucher','Users','Userpoints','OUT','C:\testzz.txt'

    I have changed my bcp command to:

    set @cmd = 'bcp '+@dbname+'..'+@tablename1+' '+@dbname+'..'+@tablename2+' '+@dbname+'..'+@tablename3+' '+@direction+' '+@filepath+' -c -T'

    i get the error: "Please enter the Direction(In/Out)"

    i tried to place the out and file path after each table and duly change the bcp command but i get the error : "too many parameters entered"

    any ideas, thanks