• Thanks again for all the input. This is my first article. So it makes me happy that it is being read and is also being discussed. 🙂

    I will have to check the Locking in both the cases and make a comparison. I never thought about that.

    I read about Merge. I have not used it and unfortunately I wont be using it for another 2 yrs at least I think.

    Just for clarification, I wrote a simple Upsert command for just showing the idea. I did not do any error handling or transactions.

    I know that lots of people do not like using with (readuncommitted). But for us, we use it religiously. That is basically to reduce the Locking that SQL Server has to do. We know the risk of getting incomplete transactions on our queries. But we are willing to look the other way. Speed is our main concern. 😉

    Once again Thanks for all the input and keep it coming. With every input coming from you, it opens my mind to different ideas and I learn more.

