• I unfortunately have ntext fields in the table(s) that need to be audited and I've been trying to find a way to get around it.

    My attempt (I can't call it a solution because it doesn't work) is to try to just insert the fields that aren't ntext, text or image into a temp table. I do this by getting the names of the fields for the table being audited from the syscolumns table and put them in a variable.

    My code looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE #TableCache (

    columnName varchar(400)


    INSERT INTO #TableCache

    SELECT '[' + sc.name + ']' as columnName

    FROM sysobjects as so JOIN syscolumns as sc

    ON so.id = sc.id

    WHERE so.xtype = 'U' AND sc.xtype NOT IN ( 99, 35, 34) AND so.name = @TableName

    AND sc.name not in ('Created', 'Modified', 'RowVersion')

    SET @FieldList = ''

    -- create a cursor

    DECLARE tableColumn CURSOR FOR

    SELECT *

    FROM #TableCache

    -- loop over the cursor

    -- and get a list of the columns in the table that are not ntext, text or image

    OPEN tableColumn

    FETCH NEXT FROM tableColumn INTO @columnName



    if len(@FieldList) = 0


    SET @FieldList = '[' + @columnName + ']'




    SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', [' + @ColumnName + ']'


    -- next row, please

    FETCH NEXT FROM tableColumn INTO @columnName


    print @FieldList

    -- get list of columns

    Set @SQL ='SELECT ' + @FieldList + ' INTO #ins FROM inserted'

    EXEC (@SQL)

    The trigger errors on the last line stating invalid object inserted. (NOTE: This code is inside a trigger)

    If I try to use this:

    SELECT @FieldList INTO #ins FROM inserted

    I get No column was specified for column 1 of '#ins'.

    Any ideas?