• As Lynn and Matt pointed out, adding a new column and updateing will solve your problem. My example assumes you are using some version of Query Analyzer where you are able to create SQL and execute it.

    There are two ways to approach this. The first way is the easiest.


    alter table TABLE1

    alter column COL1 datetime

    Where TABLE1 is the particular table in questions and

    Where COL1 is the name of the column containing all of your nvarchar(50) data.



    I am creating a dummy table table to simulate your table of data.

    create table tt


    col1 nvarchar(50)


    I am inserting rows with data that have a datatype of nvarchar(50) to simulate your data.

    insert tt

    select '01/01/2008' union

    select '01/02/2008' union

    select '01/03/2008' union

    select '01/04/2008' union

    select '01/05/2008' union

    select '01/06/2008' union

    select '01/07/2008'

    I am adding the new column of datatype datetime that Lyn and Mat were talking about.

    alter table tt

    add NewDateCol datetime

    Now I fire an update statement to produce values of type datetime using the nvarchar data.

    update tt

    set NewDateCol = cast(col1 as datetime)

    I am selecting the data to view and verify.

    select * from tt

    I hope this works.