• Yes all that checks out: I rightclick the MultiServer Connect, click on expressions, click on the "..." button and see that the Property is "ServerName" and the Expression is "@[User::SRV_Conn]". I doubleclick the "Populate ADO Variable" Execute SQL Task box, I click on the Result Set Property and see that the "Result Name" is 0 and "Variable Name" is "User::SQL_RS". I paste the following query into a query window on the SQL Server Management Studio:

    SELECT RTRIM(Server) AS servername

    FROM SSIS_ServerList

    WHERE (Skip_SQL_Overview is null or Skip_SQL_Overview = 'FALSE')

    ORDER BY 1

    When I run this query it returns a list of our 8 servers. But like you say it sounds like I am connecting to the same server. Is there anything else you can think of that I need to check?